Monthly Archives: November 2013

Return of the Prodigal Blogger

I admit, I have fallen completely off the wagon in terms of keeping up with blogging every week. A thousand blog ideas run through my head everyday while I’m at work and then as soon as I get home, I instantly lose inspiration. This has been a recurring problem throughout my design career. I had the problem in college, I have the problem now but I am determined to not let it overcome me. It’s no surprise that today’s blog is about inspiration. I know I’ve talked about this a few times before but I feel this is a problem area for me and I’m sure other people have the same issue.

I’ve searched for some articles on the subject of losing inspiration but didn’t really find that much discussion about it. I feel that a lot of articles and blogs tend to focus on looking towards goals and pushing forward and whatnot but forget that sometimes we lose steam and need help getting back on track. Sure, there are lots of resources for finding your inspiration in the middle of a project, but what if we lose our inspiration to do anything altogether? I have a few things that I think could be helpful, at least for me.

1. Your Environment Predetermines Your Mood.
This explains quite a bit about why I feel inspiration at work but not at home. My cube at work is filled with silly things and I am in my own space with no distractions. At home, not so much. My desk is in the living room/next to my boyfriend’s computer so there’s a lot of distraction there. Also, there’s a cat. Everyone knows getting work done with a cat around is impossible. The environment of inspiration differs from person to person. Some people find inspiration at 3 in the morning sitting on the futon drinking tea. Others may find their inspiration on a 6 AM run. Every person needs to find their space and discover what inspires them. A space without distractions is ideal but introducing things like artwork or plants into the area could also help.

2. Watch TED videos
Usually TED videos are around 10 minutes and there’s a huge variety of topics covered. if you feel yourself without inspiration, watch one of these videos. This is a great place to learn about other people’s inspiration, their ideas and how they’re planning on executing them. Even if it’s something about how scarily smart crows are. If you say you’re too busy to watch just one video, you are a liar. 

3. Relax
Inspiration will not come if you’re stressing about it. In fact, stressing about it is probably the worst way to go about it. Stressing is actually really bad for your body (and your mind) and the ideas will definitely not come if you’re tensed up. You don’t have to search through thousands of inspiration quotes or even read this blog. You know what you should do? Take a nap. Naps do wonders for inspiration. Searching desperately for inspiration can never lead to good ideas.

4. Read good books
Specifically I’m referring to books related to whatever you’re seeking inspiration for. Graphic design? There are a ton of great resource books to get the creative juices flowing. My favorite book for inspiration is The End of Print by David Carson. This man is my favorite graphic designer and amazes me with his experimental style of design. Look for some books by notable designers and take inspiration from their work. Here is an excellent place to get started. Looking at other graphic designer’s work is a great place for inspiration but sometimes it can be a pitfall as well. Staring at all of that fantastic design can either bring you to new heights in design or make you feel completely useless as a designer. Comparing yourself to the top designers in the world? Not a good idea ever.

Looking back at this list I’ve written, it seems like the tiniest, least helpful list of all time. However, I believe these things are good starting points in getting myself back on track for blogging as well as designing in my free time.


Got some tips from here:

And also here: